Type of Offering
Major Minor Pathway

As a student in exercise physiology, 你将学习运动如何改变人体的结构和功能. 您将在基础科学和股份有限公司官网科学方面打下坚实的基础,并深入研究生理学, anatomy, kinesiology, strength and conditioning, and allied health.

Practical, hands-on experience is woven into our program. 我们的教授和校友网络将为该领域的不可思议的机会打开大门. 我们的学生在俄勒冈大学等地获得实习机会, the Cleveland Clinic, 阿克伦综合医院和俄亥俄州立大学体育系.

From day one, you’ll be part of our family. 你将享受小班授课、安全的校园环境和持久的友谊. Our supportive professors will get to know you. 当你对自己的未来做出决定时,他们会指导你的每一步.