Our social studies program will turn you into an outstanding social studies teacher. Our program is different from what you’ll find at most universities. 除了社会研究, you’ll earn a secondary major in history and the equivalent of a minor in education, 大多数学生只用四年就完成了.

在这里, you’ll experience a well-rounded program with courses in history, 政治科学, 经济学, 地理位置, 心理学和社会学. In addition, you’ll take education courses and spend time observing and teaching in local classrooms. 你将了解青少年的发展, 课程, 课堂策略, 教学方法等等. You’ll graduate ready to be licensed to teach social studies, grades seven to 12 in the state of Ohio but many graduates also teach elsewhere. 

Large institutions just can’t provide the individualized attention and opportunity you’ll find here. Our social studies majors observe and teach in rural, suburban and urban school districts. 他们协助教授做研究, 合著学术论文, and present at regional and national conferences. They study abroad and lead student organizations. 所有这些都可以帮助你找到第一份工作!

From the time you arrive on campus until you graduate, you’ll be guided by a faculty advisor. You’ll enjoy small class sizes and amazing friendships with your classmates. 我们的专业教授会了解你. They will support you in your coursework, research, student teaching and career preparations. They will become personally invested in your success and help open doors for you.

It takes a special blend of knowledge, passion and skill to teach. Rest assured; when you graduate from ONU, you’ll be ready to take your place in the classroom.