
俄亥俄北部大学 provides electronic transcript service (eTranscript) through the National Student Clearinghouse, 第三方供应商. 以便能够提供电子成绩单服务, ALL transcript orders will be placed through the National Student Clearinghouse, 而且要收费的. 您可以使用任何主要的信用卡/借记卡来下单.


本科s, 药店  and MSA – Transcripts will be available for ordering on May 24, 2024.
Medical Lab Science - Transcripts will be available for ordering on May 24, 2024.

[NOTE: hard-copy transcripts to be mailed maybe delayed due to holiday season and office closures]

Financial obligations to 俄亥俄北部大学 must be satisfied before a transcript can be released. {应收款项持有成绩单政策}

如果你对你的学生记录有保留, 在等待解决之前,您的请求将不会被处理. Your transcript request will remain active for 30 days to give you time to resolve your hold. If after 30 days your hold has not been resolved, your transcript request order will be canceled. 在订单完成之前,您的信用卡/借记卡不会被扣款.

成绩单5美元.每个10美元加上所选的送货选项费(见下文). 这是2美元.90 National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) online processing fee per delivery option/per recipient.



电子PDF: 您可以选择要求通过电子邮件发送电子成绩单. Electronic transcripts are official and are sent through the National Student Clearinghouse. 成绩单在发送后24小时内由收件人收到. We recommend that you first check with the recipient before ordering to be sure they will accept it in the electronic PDF format. 成本是1美元.每位收件人00美元.

  • Electronic transcripts cannot be sent for students completing attendance before fall 1994. Those students should select the “Mail” option delivery method when ordering through the NSC online service. These transcripts will be processed manually by the 俄亥俄北部大学 registrar’s office.

  •如果您选择发送电子PDF,而收件人从未打开它, 我们不能退还那份成绩单的费用.

  •pdf文件不支持保存和转发. 可能是打印出来的.

美国快递: 成绩单通过美国邮政特快专递发送到美国的任何地方

国际快递: Transcripts sent internationally (including Canada/Mexico) by USPS Express Mail

普通邮件(U).S. 和国际): 处理时间在两到五天之间.

传真: 全国学生信息交流中心 不再提供 传真作为递送选项.  请考虑选择电子方式.  Remember to check with your recipient to be sure they will accept the transcript via the electronic delivery option.

等待提货: Transcript(s) will be ready for pickup in the 俄亥俄北部大学 registrar’s office two hours after you receive your email notice that it is ready. ONU需要两个小时的时间来进行内部处理.)学生在领取成绩单时必须出示身份证. 30天后未被取走的成绩单将被销毁, 另外,需要额外支付新的成绩单. 成绩单未领取不予退款. 成本是1美元.每位收件人75英镑.



现在: Transcripts will include all graded and in-progress classes and degrees earned as of the day your request is processed.

**不能保留成绩单作为成绩和/或学位. 如果您希望您的成绩单准确反映学期成绩, 平均绩点, 优秀学生名单, 学位授予, 等.,你应该等到上面列出的日期才下订单.**

You may upload up to three documents to be attached to or mailed with your transcript. Acceptable documents include scholarship applications or licensure request forms (e.g. LSAC amca). 当您下订单时,将显示此选项. 处理时间不反映交货时间. 俄亥俄北部大学 cannot be responsible for transcripts lost in the mail, 或收件人未领取的电子PDF成绩单. 在学校关闭的日子里,成绩单将不予处理.




1. 登录你的 自助服务旗帜 账户
2. 点击“学生”选项卡
3. Click “National Student Clearinghouse [Transcripts]” located in the middle of the page
4. 完成成绩单申请流程
5. 如果你需要和你的成绩单一起提交一份表格给收件人, 将有一个附件选项可用
6. 当提示输入您的ONU学生证号码时, please note that all student ID numbers begin with a capital "A" followed by eight numeric digits. So, 如果你的身份证号码是00011122201, 你可以输入A00111222, 省略最后两位数字. 例如:您的卡= 00011122201,您的身份证号= A00111222



去 http://www.studentclearinghouse.org/.

1. On the top right, click the Order-Track-Verify tab, then click Order or Track a Transcript.
2. 输入“金莎3777”,然后点击“继续”.
3. This will take you directly to the 俄亥俄北部大学 transcript ordering page. 阅读,滚动到底部,然后单击START.



应收帐款持有、登记、 & 成绩单政策:

Accounts Receivable holds are added to current student 账户s shortly after the start of each term. 任何学生欠500美元.00 or more who is not enrolled in a payment plan will have an Accounts Receivable hold added. 暂停将阻止学生注册额外的课程, 获取成绩单, 获得文凭. Holds are automatically lifted after a student pays their balance below the $500.00阈值.是否可以选择要求通过电子邮件发送电子成绩单. Electronic transcripts are official and are sent through the National Student Clearinghouse. 成绩单在发送后24小时内由收件人收到. We recommend that you first check with the recipient before ordering to be sure they will accept it in the electronic PDF format. 成本是1美元.每位收件人00美元.

退学的学生, 研究生, or discontinue attendance at 俄亥俄北部大学 will have a hold added to their 账户 preventing them from registering for additional classes, 获取成绩单, 或者拿到文凭, 如果他们有任何未付的账户余额. 这包括学费, 费用, 以及大学的其他收费, 以及任何拖欠或拖欠的大学学生贷款.

Students with past due balances will also be charged interest on any past due tuition, 费用, 而其他大学的收费比率是1%.每月5%. 拖欠帐户也可转介到外部催收机构. 如果发生这种情况, 学生也有责任支付任何代收代理费, 法律费用, and other charges associated with collection on their past due 账户 as outlined in the 学生经济责任协议. Delinquent 账户s may also be reported to one or more of the national credit bureaus.

Students who wish to dispute an 账户 balance may do so by contacting the Bursar at bursar@jingshuoshuo.com or 419-772-2010. 在联系, a representative of the university will review the student’s 账户 in detail to ensure the accuracy of the charges. 这可能包括联系其他办公室或外部实体. 如发现错误,将进行相应的调整. 如果账目被认为是准确的, 学生将继续负责所产生的费用.

Students who have a hold and need to obtain a transcript for employment purposes have a right to access a transcript for purposes of seeking employment regardless of whether they owe an institutional debt or not. 如果欠了大学的债, the student will need to contact the Controller’s Office to verify that the transcript is for employment purposes. 一次验证, the Controller’s Office will notify the 注册商’s Office that it is okay to release a transcript directly to the employer on the student’s behalf.

Students who have a hold and need to obtain a transcript for educational purposes may obtain one by paying 10% of the outstanding balance due and setting up a payment arrangement with the Controller’s Office to begin clearing the remaining balance. The transcript will then be issued directly to the college or university on the student’s behalf.

俄亥俄北部大学 seeks to keep our students enrolled and in good standing on their student 账户s. 帮助打破更大的平衡, ONU提供秋季优惠, 春天, and Summer payment plan options for students who are currently enrolled at the university. We also offer Direct Payment Agreements for former students who still owe a debt and would like to make payments directly to the university, 而不是由讨债公司负责. 直接付款协议可通过以下方式与财务司司长联系 bursar@jingshuoshuo.com or 419-772-2010. 用于寻求使用贷款或其他援助来支付到期余额的学生, 请致电419-772-2272或金莎3777的财务援助办公室 financial-aid@jingshuoshuo.com.